Magagascar 797th
Columbia 835th
Ireland 520th
China 424th
Egypt 564th
Greenland 463rd
Brazil 1083rd
How to Score BIG in Tournament of Factions
First of all, check your GOALS and make sure your targets complies with your goals.
This will ensure you will earn valor points as you participate in Tournament of Factions.
You earn higher points by properly identifying your targets.
The ideal target should HAVE MOST IF NOT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:
- Game Level - Fight someone that is equal or above your level
- Higher Rank - Look for a player that is equal or above your rank
- Evenly Match - The opponents' defense should be close to your attack strength.
An allowance of 10-20% of your Attack numbers may secure a win.
If you are losing, attack the rivals' BOOST buildings such as
- Composites Factory
- Genetics Labs
- War Factory
- Airship Hanger
- Navel Research
Attack 2 boost buildings but start with Composites Factory.
Top 10 Finishers at Poland
The following will receive a Stash of Gold for their performance in Poland.
Once I receive the Google adwords income, I plan to send this by Paypal or providing you the iTunes redeem code. Let me know the method you prefer.
Congratulations to:
xiao mei
Bond James Bond
War Chest Report as of Jul 3
War Chest Report as of Jun 27
Team, you know the drill on how to increase our World Domination funds.Keep on tapping and clicking our sponsors.
Do it daily... on different PCs and devices.
Recruit and post messages on allies and enemy walls.
Fund Raising and Gold Sharing!!!
This blog earn a modest monthly income of $25-$30Revenue comes from site visitors who show props and click on a Google Ad words advertisement
If we will make a Team effort to promote the site and *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*, we may be able to raise the revenue to $100 or more per month!
Gold sharing will be awarded to the Top 10 finishers considering $100 income come to fruition.
This will come down to a Stash of Gold for the Top 10 finishers.
The amount is no way near what you may have spent on the game but at least you are subsidized.
Here's what the faction have today:
To keep our sights focused in income generation, I will update the Team everyday.
Pre-Staging 101 - Limited Time Quest Exploit
Pre-staging is doing map missions that require more than one tap.For example in Enemy Outpost, the Battle Tank require 3 4 taps to complete.
Pre-staging is doing partial completion, that is: 2 out of 3 taps
Therefore, if this map is selected in Limited Time Quest (LTQ), you only need to tap it once.
This not only saves you time but allow you to use your energy on single tap missions.
Pre-staging allows you to complete more levels.
Does it work? While there are some reports that the map mission resets before an LTQ event, many vouch that this exploit works.
It is not likely that GREE will reset the map missions because there are actual players playing on that map. It will be chaos if GREE reset the map.
So where will we pre-stage?
In Extreme Measures and Gone Rogue LTQs, the following maps are used:
Enemy Outpost
Offshore Drilling Rig
Dictator's Compound
Attack Site
Enemy Encampment
Communications Outpost
Trafficker Base
Border Guard Complex
Mountain Pass
Suspicious Village
Drop Site
Emir Island
Oil Refinery Plant
High Mountain Village
Train Station
Historic District
Trident Beachhead
Military Base
Insurgent Block
Bomb Maker's Compound
International Quarter
Naval Battle
Government Area
I will pre-stage for the first time. Anyone with me?
World Domination Strategies and Terminologies:
The following are strategies and terms we use during World Domination.Breaching the Defense Leader Shield:
No matter how strong the Defense Leader is, TWO (2) Power Attacks bring the shield down!If power attack is not used, it can take 10-12 individual attacks to breach.
Take One For The Team (TOFTT) - Doing a Power Attack on the Defense Leader.
The player who TOFTT shows dedication to the Faction's cause and unselfishness. It may take 25-30 minutes before the member can recover and perform another attack. It is expected from every Faction members to TOFTT in the course of World Domination.
In every attack, post on the Forum the Opponents DEFENSE points:
This allow members to hit and avoid KNOWN targets.When attacking a soft target, you must have five thousand or MORE Attack points to compensate for the opponents Defense Bonuses. A failed attack puts the points on the opponent.
Terminologies and variations:
TargetName, 50K, 150WD, $5000
TargetName, 50K, 150, 5000
TargetName 50K 150 5000
TargetName 50K Ouch
- TargetName: Opponent's name
- 50K: Opponent's Defense Points
- 150WD: World Domination points earned
- $5000: If the opponent gives out unprotected cash
- Ouch: A failed attack to an opponent. Burn, can also be used
Breaking Wall Fortifications:
A Level 1 (L1) fortification has 10,000 health points. A player with 60,000 Attack can chip 1100-1400 points off the wall and earn 26 World Domination (WD) points. Doing the math, it will take 7-9 attacks just to break the wall. However, breaking the wall enable us to earn the full attack points on subsequent attacks.UPDATE from Raid on Egypt:
We have found that strong Ground Units like a platoon of FORTIFICATION BREACHERS can actually do some serious damage on Wall Fortification.
UPDATE from Ireland Attack:
A platoon (at least 50) of OFFICER ASSASSINS (Infantry @ 1Mil each unit) can bring down Defense Shield in one blow!
Hitting my head on the Wall: Attacks the wall. Used describe futile attempts to break the wall or the opponents are so strong that it would be better chipping the wall to earn points.
Anyone remember our day with Ferr's Emperors?! ;)
Let's make MWC Faction a 24-hour Offensive Juggernaut for Battle for Greenland
Below are the Timezones the following members operate:
West Coast USA (GMT -8:00)
Bond James Bond
Shawn - Nevada
Central USA (GMT -6:00)
Callaway - Indiana
Ninja Steve - Indiana
patron - Texas
bradly - Missouri
East Coast USA (GMT -5:00)patron - Texas
bradly - Missouri
Xiao Mei
Angrydude - Connecticut
MrRigby - Canada
Christina - UK
gylnn - UK
fel - Sweden
TONY - Sweden
Flyarround - Germany
Mitch - The Netherlands (GMT +1)
ray9677 - Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wissam - Denmark
hove - Denmark
atsm79 - Poland
Spooky - UK
Australia (GMT +10)
Southeast Asia (GMT +8)
Gee-R - Philippines
zizi - Singapore
United Arab Emirates (GMT +4)
To be determined:
General Horne
GREE has change battle algorithm and it now include low value units back into the fray.
So instead of losing valuable units into battle and during limited time quests, stock up on these meat soldiers.
Desert Soldier 1A/0D: Middle East: Insurgent Camp - Destroyed Tank-Disable: 100% Drop Rate
Desert Leader 1A/1D: Middle EastInsurgent Camp - Insurgent Leader-Neutralize Leader: 100% Drop Rate
Amphibious Trooper 6A/8D: South America - Docks - Amphibious Squad Leader-Engage: 100% Drop Rate
High value loots:
Venal Fighter 39A/24D: Central America - Caribbean Straits - Tug Boat - Kill Captain: 20% Drop Rate
Brigand Lightning 99A/80D: Southeastern Africa - Hidden Missile Base - Command HQ - Cut Power Generator: 75% Drop Rate
In every world domination event, our TWO (2) main focus on the opponent are:
- Breaking the Fortification Wall: (Level 6 and under) and if we have more faction members playing at the same time, we take a crack at L7 and L8 walls.
- Finding the Soft Targets: We want to make sure that every hit is a win because a loss puts the points in the opponents scorecard.
But the thing is, majority of Factions have the same mindset as ours! They buy golds so they can break our L8 - L10 fortifications and discovers our soft spots eventually and HIT IT HARD!
The following are the additions to our BAIT strategy.
- Continued and regularly playing the game.
- Earn CONCRETES - That's the only way to earn and keep a steady supply of concretes flowing. Please donate your concrete immediately. There is no other use for it beside building Fortification Walls.
- Earn INDESTRUCTIBLE UNITS - Perform due diligence playing the Limited Time Quests and Boss Events
- 75,000 PERCEIVED DEFENSE is the Magic Number. At this level of defense, we will be able to repel many of our opponents' Faction members. Members over Level 60 should meet this criteria. We have removed members who had been identified by our opponents as soft targets and never did something about it despite many advises from Faction members.
- Four Basic Defense Units - Best Bang for the Buck!
- Infantry - MEDIC stock 150 @ 18,000 = 2.7Mil
- Ground - MILITARY AMBULANCE stock 150 @ 84,000 = 12.6Mil
- Air - GLOBAL HAWK DRONE stock 150 @ 75,000 = 11.25Mil
- Sea - SEA SCOUT stock 150 @ 110,000 = 16.5Mil
- If you reached the suggested numbers stated above, and want to diversify, next best bang for the buck are:
- Air - STEALTH SURVEILLANCE DRONE stock 30+ @ 525,000 each
- Sea - CRUISER stock 30+ @ 225,000 each
- Use your Nation to your advantage.
- United Kingdom - 10% Bonus to Sea Power. Upgrade your NAVAL RESEARCH
- Germany - 10% Bonus to Ground Forces. Upgrade your ELECTRONICS FACTORY
- China - 10% Bonus to Infantry. Upgrade your GENETICS LAB
- Russia - 10% Bonus to Air Power. Upgrade your AIRSHIP HANGAR
The following members need some improvements on their bases.
BearScar: 69K Defense: A quick fix by obtaining the 4 basic units and increasing allies count to 310-375 levels
Hove: 55K Defense, A quick fix by obtaining the 4 basic units and increasing allies count to 500-510 levels
God: 3636 allies is prolly too much.. or are they true followers of God? :)
Bradly: can bait more with Allies count reduced to around 800
zizi: 74K Defense: A quick fix by obtaining Military Ambulance, Global Hawk Hawk Drone and Sea Scout to recommended numbers. Reduce allies count to 550-650 levels
Experience from the last 4 wars also established that players tend to be hesitant hitting targets with very high allies count. I myself have dared less hitting someone with allies 1,500 or higher. When I hit it, I often get burned.
Factoring these two observations and feedback from many of you, I came up with a hybrid strategy for our preparation for future World Domination.
The BAIT Strategy:
Let the strong members of this faction have the lowest (yet optimized) number of allies while those that need improvement (not as strong) be protected or "appear strong" by having the most number of allies.
From the screen captures I obtained from players over Level 100, and even after GREE increased the level to 250, the maximum number of units you can bring to battle is 2,000. This translate to 500 allies at Level 100 and higher. Adding more allies does not have an effect in game play. It does however present a psychological advantage against your opponents and to players who are not aware of the 500 maximum effective allies.
I know this strategy may face challenges and opposition among members because it may impact our individual game play. Provide your inputs and post them on the Faction wall. But based on 3 wars, this looks darn good :)
Following the Bait Strategy, the members below are identified as strong (perceive Defense stat and current allies shown). Your current number of allies was also considered determining the recommended allies.
Numbers presented are UNBOOSTED Defense points:
- MWC 91k, 440- recommended allies ~440-480
- Bond James Bond 109K, 460 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Mi-6 82K, 484 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Gruppenfurher 75K, 653 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Mitch 113K 795 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Christina 76K 273 - recommended allies ~300-350
- Captain 143K, 501 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Nipple 93K, 964 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Callaway 88K, 822 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Fel 215K, 503 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Ng 123K, 373 - recommended allies ~400-450
- Xiao 79K, 360 - recommended allies ~375-410
- God 79K, 3635 - recommended allies ~3300-3500
- TRun 89K, 487 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Mr Rigby 95K, 502 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Mr Rigby 95K, 502 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Gee R 88K, 647 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Patron 109K, 959 - recommended allies ~700-800
- Angrydude 99K, 553 - recommended allies ~460-480- Bradly 109K, 1074 - recommended allies ~700-900
- Shepard 97K, 592 - recommended allies ~460-480
- atsm79 104K, 551 - recommended allies ~460-480
- ggj 78K, 500 - recommended allies ~460-480
- ray9677 172K, 586 - recommended allies ~460-480
- BearScar 76K, 405 - recommended allies ~420-460
- glynn 95K, 515 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Ninja Steve 94K, 508 recommended allies ~460-480
- henry 75K, 501 - recommended allies ~460-480
- hove 68K, 524 - recommended allies ~460-480
- zizi 82K, 742 - recommended allies ~460-480
- General Horne 103K, 588 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Shawn 75K, 626 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Wissam 74K, 506 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Ouz 90K, 575 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Commander DB 71K, 186 - recommended allies ~210-250
- Luke 47K, 333 - recommended allies ~360-480
- Spooky 82K, 600 - recommended allies ~460-480
- Dog 41K, 354 - recommended allies ~400-480
Andri's Insane Defense Numbers:
Andri, you just got to let us know how these magic numbers are obtained :)
How to MAXIMIZE your number of attacks during BIG BOSS Events
A full bar of health represent 100%Each attack takes away 25%
On the initial levels, the Boss is weak and can be killed using FREE attacks
As you level up, the Boss becomes tougher and you will need to use FORCE ATTACK
When you start Force Attacks with the Big Boss, hit him 3 CONSECUTIVE TIMES
Here's where the trick comes in, if you wait another 2 minutes, your health will increase just enough to make another hit.
That said, wait 2 minutes, then hit him 2 CONSECUTIVE TIMES
You will now get a pop-up message that your health is low and a timer that tells you when can you attack again.
Without health bonuses, the wait time is under 13 minutes. - Our Faction members has a lower wait time because of HEALTH REGENERATION Bonuses!
With the 2-minute wait trick, set your phone timer to 15 minutes
At the 15th minute, Force Attack 2 CONSECUTIVE TIMES
Set your timer and keep doing this trick.
This is the most effective use of time and Force Attack on the Big Boss!
Bonus Tip #1:
If you level up, your health bonus resets to 100%
Timing your leveling up gives you that extra attacks on the Big Boss.
Bonus Tip #2:
Save your VALOR points!
When you can no longer beat the Big Boss, tap GET STRONGER and use it to buy stronger units.
In the last big boss event, I used up my 50,000 VALOR points and it increased my attack by 400 points.
I was able to beat the Big Boss 3 more times!
Goodluck to all!
MWC Faction Members and Alliance IDs:
672892300 - MWC
643638650 - Captain
585084275 - Mi-6
991104082 - Bond James Bond
151605948 - mitch
317182533 - Nipple
577112581 - guru
548259470 - Flyarround
666151956 - Xiao Mei
688429950 - MrRigby
371972500 - Gee-R
427109557 - patron
402442081 - atsm79
517182421 - hove
835175700 - ninja Steve
112869519 - xixi
101519073 - Wissam
Watch visit this Faction webpage frequently, Tips and tricks will be posted here!
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